ERROR [512] mysql error: [1267: Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8mb4_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'like'] in EXECUTE("SELECT COUNT( AS counter FROM opn_mediagallery_pictures i, opn_mediagallery_albums a , opn_users u WHERE i.aid=a.aid AND keywords LIKE '%Bierbänke%' AND (a.usergroup IN (0)) AND (i.uid = u.uid)")
FOUND IN [include/opndb-errorhandler.php] FOUND AT 253 ERROR [512] mysql error: [1267: Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8mb4_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'like'] in EXECUTE("SELECT AS pid,i.aid AS aid,i.filename AS filename,i.filesize AS filesize,i.pwidth AS pwidth,i.pheight AS pheight,i.hits AS hits,i.mtime AS mtime,i.ctime AS ctime,i.uid AS uid,i.rating AS rating,i.votes AS votes,i.title AS title,i.copyright AS copyright,i.keywords AS keywords,i.description AS description,i.approved AS approved,i.nwidth AS nwidth,i.nheight AS nheight FROM opn_mediagallery_pictures i, opn_mediagallery_albums a , opn_users u WHERE i.aid=a.aid AND keywords LIKE '%Bierbänke%' AND (a.usergroup IN (0)) AND (i.uid = u.uid) ORDER BY LIMIT 0, 300")
FOUND IN [include/opndb-errorhandler.php] FOUND AT 253 125Jahre FFW Hannersgrün